An Essay About Fatigue - Martí Peran
"Depression and countless psychic alterations today make up the vocabulary of an emerging genre of the new political literature. In the pharmacological order, the stimulant, sleeping pill and anti-depressant industry has achieved growth rates proportional to the profit from mass self-exploitation. It is the economic commandment derived from the rigour of science and it is thus sustained impeccably by the psychiatry that confronts the evidence of discomfort: we have to return, after the treatment, to the happy orbit of self-productivity.
Pharmacological management is fundamental for keeping enough of the workforce active. The cleaning up and the apparent curing of fatigue induced by self-mobilization are invested by the lie of an inescapable need. It does not matter that the treatment becomes chronic if this ensures the restoration of the creative-productive skills that are considered natural in a free subject dreaming about himself. The very high percentage of the population subjected to the daily taking of pills is considered legitimately restorative for the collective good. Just as no one considers it unnatural to correct sight defects with simple adapted lenses, it is not illicit to get our imaginative and productive energy back by taking specialized chemical stimulants for each supposed defect in our mental gear system." Martí Peran