My thoughts concerning SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and abcdefg2020.

Why thank you world, frankly I’m quite flattered.

However I do feel it’s a bit much that you put the majority of folks out of work, close schools, restrict travel, transport of goods, sell out all the rolls of toilet paper in the nation, cancel public discourse, shut gyms, restaurants, bars, churches, etc., all just to protect little old me!

It’s also rather nice that, to ease any feelings of guilt I might develop seeing the world stop just for me, that you state these actions are quite necessary to protect all from the China virus.

However in so far as from the information available, assuming one catches it, and data suggests that over 80% of us won’t, it’s quite clear that those of us over 80 (Myself and the few others that make up less than 3% of the population.) have around a 15% chance of dying if hit by the kung flu. Of course others can and will die from the beer virus as well , those 70+ year old, 10% chance, 60+ 5%, but the vast majority of folks, the rest of you way less than 2%. 2% risk? Here, hold my beer.

None the less it seems that to protect the largest at risk group, the 3% of us over 80 you’ve stopped the world. 3% of the population, let’s see, that’s me, my friend Richard, maybe John, though he may only be 79 and just a few, very few, others.

Again, thank you ever so much and I am quite, quite flattered but.. don’t you think it would be easier and put far less strain on the rest of you if you just go on with your lives and ask me, and perhaps my friends over 60 to stay home for a while? Shucky darn, you could even do things to make our lives at home easier and more satisfying, maybe deliver food, etc. to us (meals of wheels, there’s a unique concept.).

I suspect most of us would be willing to do so, to stay home at least until the liquor runs out and we’ve down to our last 47 rolls of toilet paper and if we don’t & we die, hey it’s not your fault. We are adults, and must accept responsibility for our own decisions, even, especially, the stupid decisions.

Again, I say again, again, I am, of course, quite flattered, but you shouldn’t have.

Seriously, very seriously, quite seriously, you shouldn’t have!