Warning! New Toy! New Content!
I just got my first DSLR...a Canon EOS Rebel T3 and I have so far been having a lot of fun with it. I know that those of you who have been following me these past 8 months are used to seeing mainly photos of my children. Don't worry...I have not forgotten them, but I feel that I am quite comfortable taking photos of them and wish to practice on other subjects for a time. Please don't give up on me! I promise to provide lots of cat photos soon. And I will try to utilize the note and comment photos features to keep my postings to a manageable level...I trimmed over 200 shots down to only 150 uploads and after further whittling have gotten it down to just over 100 shots to compose my postings with...NOT EASY!


~ MCJ said:

Gorgeous photo...great work with your new camera Jim. Love any photos:)
10 years ago

Fantasyfan said:

Good luck getting to know your new camera :) I feel that I'm learning mine.
10 years ago